Welcome to my very first blog! I'm just about to go off on a month and a half journey down south (Southern India that is). I've just spent the last 6 months living and volunteering in the hustle-bustle of Pune, India at Sangam World Centre, a Girl Guide and Girl Scout World Centre. And now I'm ready to adventure further!!!!

Friday, April 08, 2005

Hospit and Hampi and Hinduism

We're in Hospit today...near the famous Hampi....kilometers and kilometers of large boulders and dry land with temples of an old Hindu "kingdom" from the 13-15th century. Pretty cool. Also cool because Isaac (a friend of mine from Pune) met us at the station with his brother and Frauke, a girl from Holland who Isaac had met on the bus ride. So we all toured Hampi together.

The first day we headed on early...local bus and then rented bicycles and cycled between temple and bath house and elephant sheds, etc. It must have reached 40°C that day! Oooh water is so good cold! We had 12 masala dosai for lunch....mmm (well 6 people come on!)

Then we cycled onwards to another few awesome structures...including a temple that had many small pillars that could be hit and played musically! Passed out in the dark crevices of these temples awhile...then sat at the almost clean-like river for a good while recovering.

Then we cycled back as the sun set...climbing up to above an active temple to watch the sun set with the monkeys....temple music, gorgeous landscape, good friends and a setting sun...absolute heaven! Some people up there drinking beer...but us...um we ate carrots! hehe. Good times.


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