Welcome to my very first blog! I'm just about to go off on a month and a half journey down south (Southern India that is). I've just spent the last 6 months living and volunteering in the hustle-bustle of Pune, India at Sangam World Centre, a Girl Guide and Girl Scout World Centre. And now I'm ready to adventure further!!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Toe Dipping into the Blog World

Well, one more new media tool to try! Since in a few weeks I'll be travelling for some time I thought I'd enter the blog world! Don't know quite what I'm getting into yet, but at least I know you'll be able to check in to see how my travels south in India go!

My term at Sangam will finish up in a few weeks...and then around March 30th off I go with Joanne and Aurora to adventure to the heat and hopefully tropics of Southern India. Can't wait.

Thanks Joanne for introducing me to this!