Welcome to my very first blog! I'm just about to go off on a month and a half journey down south (Southern India that is). I've just spent the last 6 months living and volunteering in the hustle-bustle of Pune, India at Sangam World Centre, a Girl Guide and Girl Scout World Centre. And now I'm ready to adventure further!!!!

Friday, April 29, 2005

Living the exotic India dream

The last week here in Kerala, I'd have to say, has been something of a tourist dream come true in many ways. I wouldn't call myself a tourist but I think if I were one, I would be spending the last few days in paradice.

It started in Kochi...we went to the old Portugese area of town. We walked around, saw the sun setting between the old Chinese fishing nets and then went to see the traditional Kathakali dance of Kerala...I don't know how to describe it except imagine elaborately painted faces, large dresses and costumes that stick out far, and lots of sounds and hand gestures (there's not talking). And awesome drumming and singing!

Then, we headed for the hills to the tea plantations of Munnar. Ever see tea plantations? Well they're pretty cool...green pillows on steep slopes. There we stayed in a small house and went cycling. At night the tea hills were dotted with fireflies...and the sounds we could here for once...silence and the chirrping of frogs...ah!

Then we moved on to Kumily/Thekkadi...another town in the hills. The Cardamon hills to be exact...Cardamon is apprently quite picky about where it grows...so lots of spices everywhere...growing, harvesting, eating...mmmm. Talk about "land of spice" stereotype. Great stuff.

And at this place there is a large nature reserve...for the 40 or so tigers left in India. But we had a very "bang for your buck" experience. We saw several herds of wild elephants, wild boar, bison herds, deer herds, foxes, otter, turtles...etc. all in a few hours on a boat. We also went hiking but all we really saw on that trip was the infamous forest leech.....and unfortunately I got my first leech-sucking experience. ugh! nasty little buggers!

Anyway, we had a few more peaceful nights there and are not back on the coast. Today we took a local boat up the small canals here going past small villages, shrimp farms and coconut plantations...definitely also a tourists' dream! Tomorrow and 8hr cruise to Alleppy. Yep "life is but a dream" :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

A new side of me

Well Aurora just summed India to me in this well thought-out phrase:

India is like your family: you'll always love them, unconditionally. But boy! can they push ALL of your buttons!

India is like that in so many ways...I've fallen in love with so many parts of it, and I'm sure I'll get home and miss it incredibly...but I've had every aspect of my personality tested here. And I've found so many new parts and new weaknesses that I never knew.

I'll tell you all the stories in detail when I get back. But lets me just ask you this: Have you ever seen me soooo angry, so upset that I've screamed? Or that I've turned and given you an angry lecture? Well I can name a very few that have: Adria, my parents.....this may ring a bell to you. But never have I been so angry and felt so powerless that I have had to turn to complete strangers and yell...and scream... and give lectures on being rude....or been so incredibly blunt you probably wouldn't recognize me... "Um excuse me, but we don't want you here...so please go.. GO! Get ^&*^(ING LOST!, etc." And when they don't?...and just pretend not to hear you? Well, India's pushing as hard as she can?

And I'm sorry if that makes me violent. And I'm sorry if it makes me biased against men and towards women. And I'm sorry it makes me selfish and moody. And I'm sorry if it makes me soooo homesick all I want is to wake up to peace and quiet and fresh bread and cheese and soymilk and not have to listen to "he hi hello...hey miss" one more time!

But you know what? I'm learning how to deal with these things...and perhaps trying to figure out how to constructively manage disagreements and anger is one of the best gifts this country may be giving me. Which button's next?